Monday, October 21, 2019

Art Gallery Project essays

Art Gallery Project essays For the Arts group, we will present an artist (or genre) for about 30minutes to introduce the background and influences as well as techniques employed by a particular artist. The remaining hour will be devoted to each student creating their own representation of what we presented. For example, each student will create their own Van Gogh on the 1st of November. We will save all of their artwork throughout the 6 weeks. After the program has ended, we will have some sort of art gallery reception. The time/location is still up in the air because we may be able to use the caf that Kristen works at. If have the gallery at the caf, we are going to invite the parents and family and possibly even sell their art work. If not, we will probably have it the following Monday after the program completes during the after-school program hours. We are planning on having juice and fancy hors devours to create a real art gallery feel.For the Arts group, we will present an artist (or genre) for a bout 30minutes to introduce the background and influences as well as techniques employed by a particular artist. The remaining hour will be devoted to each student creating their own representation of what we presented. For example, each student will create their own Van Gogh on the 1st of November. We will save all of their artwork throughout the 6 weeks. After the program has ended, we will have some sort of art gallery reception. The time/location is still up in the air because we may be able to use the caf that Kristen works at. If have the gallery at the caf, we are going to invite the parents and family and possibly even sell their art work. If not, we will probably have it the following Monday after the program completes during the after-school program hours. We are planning on having juice and fancy hors devours to create a real art gallery feel. ...

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