Sunday, November 3, 2019

Future and Innovation (report) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Future and Innovation (report) - Essay Example Although the machine was a good idea, it has faced various challenges in its development and adaptation as a tool for maintaining hygiene, where doing the task by hand would be too taxing. This paper will then discuss how inventions like that of human washing machine come about, and the factors that influence their acceptance in the market. Future and Innovation: Human Washing Machines Introduction Innovation is the bringing about of a new idea, in order to solve an existing problem or the introduction of a new methodology for performing a particular task. The world is a made up of dynamic environments, thus a perfectly productive way of completing a specific task faces the danger of becoming an unsatisfactory means of accomplishing the same (Merton 1968). With advances in technology, previously mundane tasks like that of cleaning one’s body have become highly technical. This means the process of removing dirt from one’s body can be integrated with embedded computer sys tems that would monitor the process to ensure that, for example, water is heated to just the right temperature. The skin is shampooed to the set lather amount and the task is repeated until a particular threshold is reached. The Avant's Santelubain 999 is one such machine that is created by Japanese manufacturers. The market is already flooded with personal care products, which range from those that are used to maintain the integrity of organs, for example sun blocking creams, to those that enhance the appearance and functioning properties of the body, like toothpastes. However, there has been a shortage of machinery that could ensure that these products are applied accurately and consistently. Although man is an imaginative creature, she is also prone to getting tired when the task demands repetitiveness. That is why; machines of robotic nature are good solution undertakers of such repetitive tasks (Wejnert 2002). The features of a human washing machine, the Avant's Santelubain 999 are examined here, and in examining it, it is illustrated that how innovation inevitably takes place as a result of a need to fulfill a common human need for hygiene maintenance. This paper will discuss the features of the human washing machine as concerning its ability to enhance the process of cleaning one’s body. Technical gadget reports provided the technical description of the human washing machine and have formed the basis of examining the human washing machine for viability as a practical piece of equipment. This paper discusses the new dimension that a human washing machine will bring in the personal care industry. Problem The Avant's Santelubain 999 draws its inspiration from the Star Trek movies, which intimated a world where human beings are enclosed in capsules that serve various functions that range from teleporting, sleeping, hygiene and communication. The human washing machine is a perfect example of how innovations heavily borrow from fictional, fantasy works and as a result realize them in reality. The washing machine is illustrative of the fact about how the line between the future and the present is increasingly becoming blurred by advances in innovations. The human washing machine was a result of radical innovation. The development of the Avant's Santelubain 999 machine can be put in context by considering its aspects when compared to the models of innovation that were put forward by one of the pioneers of industrial innovation:

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