Saturday, January 4, 2020

Student Viewpoints On Remediation Process - 1452 Words

Student viewpoints on remediation processes at Metro Middle school Gabe Fish (Student, Metro Middle School), Joshua Levy (Student, Metro Middle School), Mathis Moore (Student, Metro Middle School), Evan Petruskevich (Student, Metro Middle School). Metro Early College Middle School students were asked if they were happy with current remediation processes. We also asked if it should be more uniform. The purpose of the study is to determine if an optimized, uniform process is needed, and what that process should be. We personally feel that the process is flawed, and are looking for a solution. The data is positive for people being happy with the current remediation processes. However, the data is also positive for remediation being†¦show more content†¦Hence, remediation. Studies have shown (Davis, Mastery learning in public schools) that the mastery system is effective, if students are allowed a second chance to rectify mistakes. Other studies have found that the remediation process can become ‘multiple and unwieldy’(Hannon, Lead ership) if left without a strong structure. The hypothesis of our study was Students are unhappy with their current remediation and would like it to be uniform. We planned to use this hypothesis to benefit the students of the Metro Middle School in their academic studies and help us at the same time. We researched our data by looking for information on how other schools help their students with make up work, as that is what our remediation is to a standard school. We had to be specific in what we were searching as the something like remediation was not the same as remediation in other schools. Our research was influenced by our hypothesis because we looked at how some other schools had solved the problem we hoped to fix at metro. We set up our survey for the students to not only ask if it would be more convenient for them if the remediation was uniform. But asked them if they were happy with a remediation process in one of their classes already.The

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